How To Clean a Piano? Step-by-Step Guide

Do you want to learn how to clean a piano? You came to the right place. Keeping a piano clean is an important part of regular maintenance. Not only does it help keep the instrument looking beautiful, but it also helps prevent dust and dirt from damaging its internal workings. With the right care, your piano can bring joy and music into your home for years to come.

how to clean a piano

While professional cleaning may be necessary on occasion, there are simple steps you can take to ensure that your piano stays in tip-top shape between services. In this article, we’ll discuss how to clean a piano inside and out so that you can enjoy it for years to come.

How To Clean a Piano?

If you are new to cleaning your piano, it may seem like a daunting task. However, with the right supplies and careful attention to detail, you can clean your piano in no time. If you don’t know how to clean a piano, don’t worry. Here is everything you have to do:

1. Gather the Supplies

Start by gathering the supplies that you will need for the job:

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Soft clothes or rags
  • Piano polish (optional)
  • Cotton swabs or Q-tips (optional)

2. Start with the Outside

Using a soft cloth, carefully wipe down the outside of the piano. Pay close attention to any nooks and crannies, since dirt tends to accumulate in these areas. If desired, you can also apply a gentle piano polish to the exterior of the instrument. If yours is an ebony piano, then check this guide on How to clean Ebony piano for better results.

how to clean a piano inside

3. Dust the Keys

To dust the keys, start by using a soft cloth or rag to wipe down each one. If there are any hard-to-reach spots, try using a cotton swab or Q-tip to get them. If your piano has ivory keys, you must pay more attention when cleaning, as they are more delicate than plastic keys. If your piano has plastic keys, you can use a damp cloth to wipe them down.

4. Vacuum the Inside

Using the vacuum cleaner, carefully vacuum the inside of the piano to remove any accumulated dirt and dust. Make sure to check for any loose parts while you are doing this, as they can become dislodged when the vacuum is running. You must make sure the vacuum doesn’t come in contact with the strings or the hammers.

5. Wipe the Interior

Once you’ve finished vacuuming, use a soft cloth or rag to wipe down the interior of the piano. If desired, you can add a bit of mild soap to the cloth for extra cleaning power. Make sure to get all of the nooks and crannies, as dirt can accumulate in these areas.

how to clean a piano keyboard

6. Polish the Piano

If desired, you can use a gentle piano polish to give the instrument a nice shine. Apply the polish directly to the cloth or rag and then wipe down the entire piano. Make sure that you don’t get any of the polish on the strings or hammers. This is entirely optional, but it can help keep your piano looking its best.

7. Let the Piano Dry

Once you’ve finished cleaning, let the instrument dry completely before you play it. This will help ensure that no moisture gets into the internal workings of the piano, which can cause damage or corrosion if left unchecked. Having a damaged piano could lead to you worrying about Why is my piano buzzing. So, make sure to dry it properly. That’s how to clean a piano properly.

Don’t Do These

Now that you know how to clean a piano, you must also know what you shouldn’t do while cleaning it. Here are some of the things you must avoid when cleaning a piano:

  • Avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasives, as they can cause damage to the instrument.
  • Do not attempt to move the piano yourself, as it can be heavy and difficult to maneuver.
  • Do not try to repair or adjust any of the internal workings of the piano. This is best left to a qualified technician.


Cleaning your piano regularly is an important part of maintenance, and by following the steps outlined in this article, you can keep your instrument in top condition for years to come. If you find that your piano needs more than basic cleaning, then it’s best to consult a professional for further advice. Hope you liked this guide. Check out the Pianos Hub website for more useful guides related to pianos.

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