Why Does My Piano Buzz? 6 Common Causes and Fixes

Do you ever hear a buzzing or humming sound coming from your piano? If so, then you may be wondering why does my piano buzz? The answer could be as simple as one of the tuning pins is loose and needs to be tightened. Or it could also mean that something more serious is going on with your instrument.

why does my piano buzz

Regardless of the cause, it’s important to have any buzzing sounds checked out by a professional technician in order to prevent further damage. In this article, we’ll explore some common causes for why does my piano buzz and how they can be addressed.

Why Does My Piano Buzz?

It’s not uncommon for piano owners to experience a buzzing sound coming from their instrument. While most of the time this is due to something minor, it can also be an indication of a bigger problem. Most pianists come across this issue of buzzing from their instrument at some point. So, you are not the only one who is worried why does my piano buzz.

The cause can range from a minor issue such as a loose tuning pin or string to something more serious like structural damage. Understanding the source of the buzz will help you determine if the problem needs to be addressed by a professional technician or if you can fix it yourself. Here are some common causes for why is my piano buzzing:

1. Loose Tuning Pin

This is the most common cause of a buzzing sound coming from your piano. A loose tuning pin can be caused by changes in temperature, humidity, or if the string tension has been adjusted recently. If you notice any buzzing coming from your piano, check to see if any of the tuning pins are loose.

 why is my piano buzzing

If they are, you can usually tighten them yourself using a tuning pin wrench or have a technician do it for you. You can also watch a YouTube tutorial to do it yourself.

2. Loose Strings or Damaged Soundboard

On some pianos, if the strings are too loose or there is damage to the soundboard, it can cause a buzzing noise. You may need to have a professional technician inspect your instrument for any loose strings or damage before it can be addressed.

3. Damaged Action

The action of the piano, which is responsible for transferring the power from your fingers to the soundboard, can sometimes become damaged over time if not properly maintained. A broken hammer, stuck key, or worn-out parts can all lead to buzzing noises.

4. Dirt on Sound Board

This is another common cause of buzzing pianos. Dirt and debris can accumulate on the soundboard over time, leading to an uneven surface that causes a buzzing sound. You can try vacuuming the soundboard or using a soft brush to remove any dust and dirt that may be causing the issue.

upright piano buzzing sound

5. Poor Maintenance

If your piano has not been properly maintained over the years, it may eventually start to accumulate dust and debris which can affect the sound of the instrument. A technician will be able to clean and service your piano in order to restore its original sound. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to have your piano regularly serviced and tuned.

6. Damaged Hammer Flanges or Felts

The hammer flanges and felts are responsible for holding the hammers in place as they strike the strings. If these become worn down or warped, they can cause a buzzing sound to emanate from your piano. If you ever notice any buzzing coming from your instrument, check to see if the flanges and felts are in good condition.

If they are not, then it’s important to have them replaced or repaired by a professional technician. Remember, if the cause of the buzzing is more serious like structural damage or poor maintenance, it’s important to have a professional technician inspect and repair your instrument.


Now that you know some of the common causes for why your piano may be buzzing, you can take steps to address the problem. If it is a minor issue such as an out-of-tune tuning pin or loose string, you can usually fix this yourself with the proper tools. Hope this helps! Check out Pianos Hub for more related guides. Happy playing! 🙂

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